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Student Achievement Award Evaluation Form
Student Nominee First and Last Name
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Evaluated by
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Evaluator Email
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Please rate each candidate using the scale and criteria below: 5 = Strongly Agree 4 = Somewhat Agree 3 = Uncertain 2 = Somewhat Disagree 1 = Strongly Disagree
OVERALL GPA (Weighted point value = 1)
Candidate has demonstrated high academic achievement
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Candidate has maintained an overall GPA of 3 or higher
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PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS (Weighted point value = 2)
Candidate has supported the profession such as through memberhsip and participation in organizations
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Candidate has been active through membership in COMMUNITY organizations
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Candidate has served as an elected officer of a student pharmacy organization
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Candidate has served as a member of a council committee task force or ad hoc group of an institution or pharmacy organization or community organization
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Check if professional affiliation included ABHP
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PHARMACY PRACTICE (Weighted point value = 3)
Candidate has demonstrated an interest in hospital or health system pharmacy practice
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Check if participation in pharmacy practice activities has been associated with ABHP involvement
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Candidate has demonstrated involvement in community or professional service
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Candidate has participated in high school career day programs or health education or drug abuse programs
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Candidate has participated in community volunteer programs
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Examples include Big Brother or Big Sister etc
Check if participation in service activities has been associated with ABHP involvement
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